Tips For Healing Acne Naturally


Anyone who has dealt with acne knows how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. Many people turn to expensive face washes, creams, and prescription medicines to help provide them with clearer skin, and it can be especially disappointing if these interventions don’t work. Harsh medications often only have temporary benefits, and may just be bandaid. When dealing with any health ailment, it’s important to get to the root cause and understand the WHY behind your symptoms. There are many factors to consider when healing from acne, but you CAN resolve acne naturally once you understand your root causes. Below we’ll dig into some of the common causes of acne and how you can take action.

Acne is an inflammatory condition that occurs when oil glands located at the hair follicle become clogged with things like oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. This forms the red bumps on the skin known as pimples, and explains why acne most often develops on areas of the skin that have more oil glands such as the face, back, and chest. There are many reasons might occur and below are some of the different ways you can start to support your skin from the inside out!

Support Healthy Hormones

  • Lowering androgens - androgens are a group of hormones including testosterone, DHEA, DHEA-S, Androstenedione & Dihydrotestosterone. The adrenals and the ovaries are responsible for the synthesis of androgens. Androgens are important for women’s health, high androgens can contribute to acne — specifically cystic acne around the chin and jaw line. Common things like spearmint tea, reishi, and saw palmetto supplements have all been linked to reduced androgen production

  • Balancing estrogen- estrogen dominance can contribute to adult acne. You can support normal estrogen levels by removing toxins from your environment as much as possible (from things like plastics and chemical-laden household products). Eating a diet that supports proper detoxification rich in fiber, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and brussels sprouts, ground flaxseed, good quality animal proteins, and supportive herbs like turmeric and milk thistle are other great ways to naturally help balance estrogen levels. Stress management is another key factor for balancing estrogen levels.

  • Eat to balance your blood sugar- blood sugar spikes and crashes can trigger acne. Focus on eating well-balanced, whole food meals that include a mixture of high fiber carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats at each meal to keep blood sugar stable throughout the day.

Support Gut Health

  • The gut has an impact on pretty much all aspects of health, including your skin. Evidence shows that the balance of intestinal microbes in the gut can have a significant impact on acne. Increased intestinal permeability (a condition where the tight junctions in your intestinal lining break apart, and cause unwanted substances to enter the blood stream) can lead to increased inflammation that can drive or exacerbate skin issues. The gut microbiota plays an important role in regulating inflammation, oxidative stress, and blood sugar control which means the intestinal microflora has major implications for acne.

  • The gut is also responsible for removing excess hormones from your body, which as previously mentioned plays a role in acne. You can read my tips on supporting your gut naturally here, which include things like eating adequate and diverse fiber and consuming both pre and probiotic foods and/or supplements. Supplements like L-glutamine and DGL can also help promote proper digestion and absorption.

Lower Stress

  • Chronic stress leads to higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can increase oil production. Stress also increases inflammation and can harm the balance of gut bacteria, all of which take a toll on your skin. Stress management looks different for everyone, but some ideas include prioritizing self-care activities like gentle exercise, meditation, journaling, reading, and listening to relaxing music. It’s also super important to focus on getting adequate sleep and on setting boundaries in your life so you have time for these stress reducing activities daily.

Reduce Inflammation

  • Acne is an inflammatory condition, so anything you can do to reduce inflammation has the potential to help manage acne as well. Eating a balanced anti-inflammatory diet is the best way to help reduce inflammation. This involves:

  • Focusing on anti-inflammatory foods and supplements such as bright colorful vegetables, berries, turmeric, omega-3 fats and the foods that contain them (salmon, tuna, walnuts, flax seeds), and green tea.

  • Reducing common inflammatory foods which can trigger acne in sensitive people. Examples are dairy products, gluten-containing grains and foods made with them, and excess sugar. Alcohol can also be inflammatory and lead to acne flare ups in some people.

Clean Up Your Beauty Regimen

  • Common beauty products, including some that are even intended to treat acne, can be full of hormone-disrupting chemicals and toxins. As mentioned, the removal of toxins is a key component to balancing estrogen levels as well as promoting optimal health overall. Focus on choosing cleaner beauty products that are specifically free from parabens, phthalates, artificial fragrance, and other harmful substances outlined by the Environmental Working Group which have been found to be amongst the most harmful to health. Talk to a trained aesthetician to customize your plan.

In Summary

Skin health starts from within! Treating acne doesn’t have to involve prescriptions, expensive ointments, or invasive procedures (in fact — these are often just bandaids!). Things like hormonal imbalances, inflammation, stress, and poor gut health are common triggers for acne and can each be addressed using a functional medicine approach and natural remedies for improving the health and appearance of your skin. For more specific guidance unique to you, feel free to reach out for support!


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