PCOS Acne Explained: Understanding and Managing Your Symptoms Naturally


Acne is a skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Experiencing acne is stressful physically, but it's also often an emotional journey that not only affects skin, but also self-esteem and everyday life.

There are various types of acne, but the most prevalent form, acne vulgaris, stems from blocked and inflamed hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which leads to the formation of comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, and/or cysts.

According to the National Institute for Health, a striking 76% of women with PCOS experience acne, a rate significantly higher than in women without PCOS. PCOS-related acne is a complex issue where usual skin issues are compounded by hormonal imbalances. Unfortunately, in our conventional healthcare system, women struggling with acne are typically only offered topicals or harsh medications for the treatment of acne, disregarding the underlying factors specific to PCOS-related acne.

The good news is that it is possible to heal PCOS acne naturally, and I’m so excited to dive more into PCOS acne connection, root causes, and practical solutions for those who have been tirelessly seeking relief.

Root Causes of PCOS Acne

PCOS acne commonly manifests as painful, cystic acne around the jawline and chin. There are several root causes that may be responsible for PCOS acne and it is important to understand the specific root causes driving your acne to develop an effective, natural treatment strategy.

In practice, we most commonly see severe PCOS acne related to the hyperactivity of a specific enzyme called 5 alpha reductase. 5 alpha reductase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into the much more potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is significantly more potent than testosterone. DHT cannot be aromatized or converted into estrogen.

The 5 alpha reductase enzyme is expressed in the sebaceous glands (and other places in the body). Increased conversion of testosterone to DHT through 5 alpha reductase activity drives acne by: increasing sebum production, altering the activity of skin cells (abnormal keratinization), promoting the colonization of specific bacteria in sebaceous follicles associated with acne.

The most common things that drive up 5 alpha reductase enzyme activity are chronic inflammation and high insulin. So, we need to understand what the root of the problem is and why this is happening. For example, if inflammation is a primary cause, then we need to figure out what is driving the increased inflammatory activity. Common imbalances that we see driving inflammation in our PCOS clients include gut imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, chronic stress, blood sugar issues, and circadian rhythm disruption. Once we understand the root causes of excess androgen production and identify what’s driving up the activity of the 5 alpha reductase enzyme, we can address PCOS acne through diet, lifestyle, and supplement strategies very effectively!

Managing PCOS Acne Naturally

Managing acne associated with PCOS involves a holistic approach that includes diet, lifestyle modifications, and the use of targeted supplements. The most effective way to achieve clear skin is to understand the specific mechanisms driving your acne; you can find out the root cause driver of you PCOS drivers by taking our quiz here.

Here are a few additional tips to get started with for improving PCOS acne:

  1. Dietary Adjustments:

    • Balance Blood Sugar: Eat consistent meals every 3-4 hours throughout the day, and aim to incorporate quality proteins, fiber rich starchy carbs, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables at meals. For more support with optimizing blood sugar balance, download our free Balanced Blood Sugar for Balanced Hormones guide.

    • Fiber: Increase and diversify fiber intake to support balanced blood sugar, the gut microbiome and detoxification. Eat more bright colorful fruits and vegetables, starchy root vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

    • Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Include foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties like berries, fatty fish (like salmon and mackerel), leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and nuts.

    • Dairy and Sugar Mindfulness: Reduce intake of dairy products and refined sugars, as they can exacerbate acne in some individuals.

    • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to and incorporate minerals in water 1-2x per day to support cellular hydration and to keep the skin hydrated.

  2. Lifestyle Modifications:

    • Stress Management: Engage in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Stress can trigger hormonal imbalances that exacerbate acne.

    • Consistent Sleep Patterns: Prioritize a regular sleep schedule. Adequate sleep is crucial for hormonal balance and skin health.

    • Regular Exercise: Maintain a regular exercise routine. Physical activity can help reduce insulin resistance and improve hormone function. Focus on lots of walking and low impact strength training. Avoid over-doing it with high intensity workouts that stimulate cortisol.

  3. Targeted Supplements:

    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Supplements like a quality fish oil or cod liver oil supplement can help to reduce inflammation.

    • Vitamin D and Zinc: These can help with balancing hormones and also have anti-inflammatory effects.

    • Spearmint Tea: Known for its anti-androgen properties, spearmint tea may help in reducing levels of excess androgens. Include 2 cups daily.

    • Probiotics: Can help with balancing the gut ecosystem, which is closely linked to skin health.

    • Inositols: Myo + D-chiro inositols in a 40:1 ratio can help with managing insulin resistance. Excess insulin and imbalanced blood sugar is a big drive of acne in PCOS

    • Herbal Supplements: Supplements like saw palmetto, green tea extract (EGCG), and reishi mushrooms can inhibit 5 alpha reductase activity.

Remember, while these tips can be beneficial, it's important to personalize the approach based on your specific needs and acne root causes. Consulting with a healthcare professional, especially one that specializes in PCOS, is crucial before making significant changes to your diet or starting new supplements.

Seeking Deeper Support

To better understand the root causes of PCOS acne, in-depth hormone testing, such as DUTCH testing can be incredibly helpful. The detailed analysis of sex hormones and adrenal hormones goes beyond surface-level symptoms, offering crucial insights into the hormonal imbalances that drive acne in PCOS.

All clients in our one-on-one complete hormonal testing as part of their personalized care plan. This approach ensures that each treatment strategy is uniquely tailored, addressing the specific hormonal issues contributing to acne.

For participants in the PCOS Root Reversal Program, we offer hormone testing packages as an add-on. This makes the valuable tool of hormonal analysis accessible to more individuals, empowering them with a deeper understanding of their symptom root causes.

The PCOS Root Reversal Program offers a holistic path to healing PCOS-related acne through a combination of self-paced learning and in-depth hormone testing with tailored nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and supplements. It's not just about treating symptoms; it's about uncovering and addressing the underlying causes for lasting changes and improved well-being.


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